Westbury Camp, Somerset. A late-prehistoric Hillfort on the Mendip Hills

Author(s): Elaine Jamieson

A large-scale survey of Westbury Camp was undertaken as part of the English Heritage archaeological survey of the Mendip Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) in January 2007. Westbury Camp is a univallate hillfort of late prehistoric date comprising a sub-rectangular enclosure defined by an earth and stone rampart with an outer ditch and bank on two sides. A single gap entrance is located towards the north-eastern corner of the hillfort and a Bronze Age barrow was identified towards its centre. The simple form of the enclosure and entrance, the modest size of the rampart, and the earthwork evidence for a box rampart construction all suggest Westbury Camp dates from the earliest period of hillfort construction.

Report Number:
Research Department Reports
Prehistoric Survey


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