A Review of Historic Environment Records: Enhancement Projects for the Palaeolithic and Mesolithic
Author(s): Alice Cattermole
This report presents a review of seven Historic Environment Record (HER) enhancement projects funded under the National Heritage Protection Plan (NHPP) between 2013 and 2015 to improve the representation of early prehistoric (Palaeolithic and Mesolithic) archaeology in HERs. The seven HERs which undertook these enhancement projects were: • South Yorkshire Sites and Monuments Record (HE Project No. 6618) • West Yorkshire HER (HE Project No. 6619) • Norfolk HER (HE Project No. 6623) • Worcestershire HER (HE Project No. 6632) • West Berkshire HER (HE Project No. 6633) • Kent HER (HE Project No. 6637) • Essex HER (HE Project No. 6639) Each of these projects has been evaluated to determine how successfully it met the stated aim of improving the representation of early prehistoric archaeology within the HER. Although all seven HERs had different starting points and are very diverse in terms of their format, scope and origins, each of the projects achieved significant and positive results within relatively limited timescales and budgets. The open-ended nature of the original call for proposals resulted in a range of different approaches to early prehistoric HER enhancement being developed and trialled, each of which has been tested and from which lessons have been learned. Each of the pilot projects can be deemed successful, and a number of common themes have emerged which will guide future best practice when undertaking HER enhancement of the early prehistoric and other periods.
- Report Number:
- 71/2018
- Series:
- Research Report
- Pages:
- 86
- Keywords:
- Data Management Information Systems Mesolithic Methological Research Palaeolithic Historic Environment Record