Shavards Farm, Meonstoke, Hampshire: Report on Geophysical Surveys, October 2014 to March 2015

Author(s): Andy Payne

Magnetometer and earth resistance surveys were conducted in fields adjacent to Shavards Farm, Meonstoke, Hampshire, as part of the ‘‘Saxons in the Meon Valley’’community based archaeological research project to provide training in the use of geophysical techniques. The site includes remains of a partially excavated Roman aisled hall type building, discovered during road widening in the 1930s, with Anglo-Saxon activity also recorded in the vicinity. Combined fluxgate magnetometer survey (1.87ha) revealed evidence for two previously unknown, plough-levelled prehistoric funerary monuments, one with a circular ring-ditch and the second of more elongated form. The earth resistance survey (1.13ha) further defined the villa remains and also partially resolved the circular ring-ditches detected by the magnetometry. A linear ditch associated with an excavated group of Anglo-Saxon graves was located by both techniques to the south of Shavards Farm.

Report Number:
Research Report
Early Medieval Earth Resistance Fluxgate Geophysical Survey Prehistoric Roman Villa Barrow Inhumation Cemetery


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