Church of St Cuthbert and the Bastle, Upper Denton (Nether Denton), Cumbria: Tree-ring Analysis and Radiocarbon Wiggle-Matching of Oak Timbers
Author(s): Alison Arnold, Robert Howard, Cathy Tyers, A Bayliss, Michael Dee, Sanne Palstra
Core samples were taken from four lintels and in situ measurement was undertaken on six planks of the main door of this church for dendrochronological analysis. This resulted in the construction of two site chronologies, CUTHSQ01 comprising the ring series from six planks and CUTHSQ02 comprising the ring series from two of the lintels. Unfortunately, these could not be reliably dated when compared to an extensive series of reference chronologies, nor could the measured but ungrouped sample be successfully dated. No samples were taken from the Bastle. Radiocarbon dating was undertaken on four single-ring samples from CUT-H08, the longest tree-ring series in site sequence CUTHSQ02. Wiggle-matching of these results, taking account of the missing sapwood rings on the lintels, indicates that the timbers were felled at the end of the seventeenth century AD.
- Report Number:
- 76/2019
- Series:
- Research Report
- Pages:
- 44
- Keywords:
- Dendrochronology Radiocarbon Dating Standing Building Wiggle-Match