A Characterisation of Sheerness, Kent: Project Report

Author(s): Melissa Conway, Karen Averby

Sheerness is a historic naval town with a unique heritage. Whilst its military installations have been well-studied, the development of civilian settlement and civic facilities have received less attention leading to biases in understanding historic development and, potentially, protection of heritage assets. It is also a town where changes in economic fortunes since the latter part of the 20th century have had a serious effect on the use and survival of heritage assets and where current and foreseeable land use proposals threaten to continue this trend. This project was developed to address these issues by providing a thorough study of the town which explains its current character, the historic influences which have shaped it, the significance of its heritage assets and trends in archaeological potential across the town. The key project outputs are this report and accompanying GIS data. Together these encapsulate aspects of the town's historic character spanning developmental influences, phases of growth, below-ground archaeological potential and built environment character. This research was carried out by Ramboll with input from Archangel Heritage, on behalf of Historic England.

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