Tree-Ring Analysis of Timbers from Stubley Old Hall, Featherstall Road, Littleborough, Greater Manchester

Author(s): Dr Martin Bridge

Timbers from two areas of this grade II* listed building were investigated. The ceiling timbers from the ground-floor north-west room, thought to have been re-used from the room above, could not be dated. Few timbers had sufficient rings, and those sampled were found to be fissured. The timbers of the remaining primary cruck in the south wing, and its associated elements were also sampled. Four series of datable ring-width sequences were obtained, but they did not match each other. The timber forming the southern purlin was felled in the spring/summer of AD 1491 and the east windbrace was possibly felled in AD 1487. The ridge piece and northern cruck blade gave felling date ranges consistent with these dates. This late-fifteenth century date is consistent with the dating of the cruck on stylistic grounds.

Report Number:
CfA Reports
Dendrochronology Standing Building


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