SOUTHALL MANOR HOUSE, EALING, LONDON - An historical assessment

Author(s): Richard Bond, Emily Cole

A request was received from Mike Dunn of English Heritage London Region for advice on the dating and historical significance of Southall Manor. The house is believed to date from the late sixteenth century and was extended and altered in the late eighteenth and nineteenth century. The building is owned by the London Borough of Ealing and leased by the Southall Chamber of Commerce; a number of local businesses and community groups are also based in the house and most of the rooms presently serve as office premises. The present report is based upon a recent historical analysis of the building carried out by Richard Bond and Emily Cole of the Building & Landscape Survey & Investigation Division of English Heritage. Mike Dunn kindly helped with the recording of the building. A tree-ring analysis, aimed at dating the house more precisely, was commissioned by English Heritage and carried out by Robert Howard of Nottingham University.

Report Number:
Building Recording Historic Area Assessment


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