Flore's House, High Street, Oakham, Rutland: Tree-Ring Analysis of Timbers

Author(s): Alison Arnold, Robert Howard, Matt Hurford, Cathy Tyers

Analysis by dendrochronology was undertaken on 48 out of 58 samples (ten having insufficient rings) from three ranges of Flore’s House, Oakham: the hall range and the north and south cross-wings. This resulted in the production of four site chronologies, OKMASQ01–04. These comprise 18, 9, 10, and 2 samples, with overall lengths of 220, 184, 90, and 81 rings respectively. The rings of the first three site chronologies can be dated as spanning the years AD 1173–1392, AD 1408–1591, and AD 1570–1659, whilst the fourth site chronology is undated. Interpretation of the sapwood and the heartwood/sapwood boundaries on the dated samples indicates the presence of four distinct phases of felling. The hall range roof and a single plate from the ground floor represent the earliest dated phase of construction, using timber all probably felled in AD 1378. The south cross-wing utilises timber with an estimated felling date in the range circa AD 1407–10. The inserted ceiling and a ground floor post in the hall range use timber felled in AD 1591. The roof of the north crosswing uses timber felled in AD 1659, despite having a roof of similar design to that of the south cross-wing. Nine measured samples are ungrouped and undated.

Report Number:
Research Department Reports
Dendrochronology Standing Building


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