Wessex Archaeology (WA) was commissioned by English Heritage (EH) to undertake a review of data standards and recording practices employed during Phase II Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment Surveys (RCZAS). The primary aims of the project are to review the type, format and level of information recorded during coastal surveys and the issues arising during projects with regards to the difficulties encountered. By working in consultation with survey teams currently employed in Phase II RCZAS and with those about to embark on fieldwork, it has been possible to highlight several recurring issues which may lead to the issuing of an enhanced version of the RCZAS guidance note currently provided by EH. Coastal survey projects commissioned by Historic Scotland (HS), Cadw and the Environment and Heritage Service (Northern Ireland) (EHS (NI)) were also reviewed along with several surveys undertaken by independent organisations. Data standards were assessed for each of the surveys and reviewed during the discussion within the context of standards defined by EH and the National Monuments Record (NMR), and of information provided via the Data Standards Unit. The result of the review has led to several recommendations being made, based on feedback from project methodologies reviewed. The main issues arising included the need for a userfriendly MIDAS (the Monument Inventory Data Standard) compliant field guide, designed to help standardise the identification of features, and the importance of regular and prioritised reassessment of erosion processes and their impact on the historic environment. The need for a simplified version of INSCRIPTION word lists was also proposed as a solution to improving the standardisation of survey site descriptions and to reduce the variability in terminology used. The issues arising from the review are discussed and have been incorporated into a draft guidance note for EH, set out in Appendix II of the report.

Report Number:


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