Details of paving stones in the grounds of a building at risk
Details of paving stones in the grounds of a building at risk
Details of paving stones in the grounds of a building at risk

Get Local Government Help to Protect Your Area

Do you care about the quality of your surroundings? Are you concerned about a local conservation area? Do you want to do something about it?

Email or write to your local Ward Councillor and invite the Council to discuss the condition of your conservation area at one of its future meetings. Ask your friends and neighbours to do the same. Your local council may have a Heritage Champion who could help you. 

You could use the following as a basis for your email or letter to your local councillor.

Name of Conservation Area:

Name of Street:

Select from the list below the issues that affect your conservation area:

  • Poor quality replacement windows and doors
  • Loss of front gardens to car parking
  • Inappropriate alterations and extensions
  • Derelict and vacant buildings
  • Street clutter and traffic signs
  • Ugly shop-fronts and advertising
  • Rundown streets, gardens and public spaces
  • Lack of action against unauthorised alterations
  • The impact of heavy traffic and pollution
  • Any other comments, positive or negative