Heritage at Risk

Our Heritage at Risk programme protects and manages the historic environment. We work with owners, friends groups, developers and other stakeholders to find solutions for ‘at risk’ historic places and sites across England.

Types of Heritage at Risk

  • Buildings and Structures at Risk

    Historic England has long recorded the condition of our built heritage. With information going back to 1998 we can track trends in risk over time.

  • Places of Worship at Risk

    Listed places of worship 'at risk' are cherished as heritage in their own right, as cultural centres for communities and as faith buildings.

  • Archaeology at Risk

    The archaeological sites on the Schedule of Monuments can face various threats that might put them ‘at risk’.

  • Protected Wreck Sites at Risk

    There are over 37,000 wrecks recorded in England’s territorial sea, of which 57 are protected wreck sites, four of these are considered most ‘at risk.

  • Registered Parks and Gardens at Risk

    Historic England works with owners of registered parks and gardens ‘at risk’ to find practical and affordable ways of safeguarding their future.

  • Registered Battlefields at Risk

    The sites on the Register of Historic Battlefields most vulnerable to threat such as development and cultivation may be assessed as ‘at risk’.

  • Conservation Areas at Risk

    We support local authorities in assessing condition of conservation areas and help them find and implement solutions for areas at risk.

Saving Heritage at Risk