Land east of the Peth, Northumberland

Conservation area - Listed building - Grade II - New building - National Planning Policy Statements (Development Consent only) - Taking account of s16 or s66 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 - Weight to be given to asset's conservation - Less than substantial harm through development affecting the setting

  • Type of decision: Appeal
    Year: 2013
    Date: 3 June 2013
  • Name of Inspector: Richard McCoy
    Planning Inspectorate reference: APP/P2935/A/12/2183585
  • Local Authority reference: 11/01404/FULL
    Local Authority area: Northumberland County Council
  • Address of the property: Land east of the Peth, West Thirston, Northumberland NE65 9EE
  • Applicant/appellant: Graham Wilcock