A stables, later used as a coach house built to serve No. 16 Vyvyan Terrace (qv), c.1840.
Reasons for Designation
The Coach House, a stable building of c.1840, later used as a coach house and garden building, is designated at Grade II for the following principal reasons:
Architectural: the garden elevation is a quaint and attractive, gothic-revival composition with later classical remodelling
Intactness: it retains many interior features and fittings associated with its original use as a stable, and is a rare survival of an unconverted service building in an urban setting
Historic interest: it illustrates the early C19 social division of staff and the family though its disguised garden-facing elevation and blind windows
Group value: it has strong group value with the Grade II* listed Vyvyan Terrace
Vyvyan Terrace, listed at Grade II*, was a piecemeal development designed by RS Pope (1791- 1884) in the mid-1830s. Nos. 15 to 17 were the first to be built, with the remainder of the 57 bays following in to the 1840s. The 1844 tithe map depicts Nos. 10 to 19 Vyvyan Terrace and the coach house at the rear of No. 16, at which time it is the only ancillary building to the terrace.
The building was originally built as a stables. In the late C19 the roof was altered to provide more space in the hay loft and a window and door were inserted on the raised upper storey of the garden elevation. A recess in the west wall may have once been open to provided access to a further ancillary building, now the site of a garage. In the early C20 the stable door on the street-facing elevation was widened and a steel girder was inserted above. In the early C21 the roof was replaced and skylights were inserted.
A stables, later used as a coach house built to serve No. 16 Vyvyan Terrace (qv), c.1840. Built from rough rubble Pennant stone and brick with a felt roof. It is orientated north-east to south-west and is roughly square in plan. ELEVATIONS: the garden elevation to the north-west has two storeys and two bays and is built of rubble stone with a rough, painted render. There are four blind gothic arched windows in plain recesses with projecting stone cills, and a similarly arched solid timber door with Y-tracery. There is a cavetto moulded drip course on this, and the side elevations of the building. There is a central tilting casement window with six panes to the first floor, and a door to the right, which bisects the drip course, and has fielded panels at the bottom and nine panes with narrow glazing bars to the top. The street-facing elevation to the south-east is in rubble stone with dressed stone quoins. There is a double doorway with a brick arch to the left, and a wide double door with a steel girder lintel to the left, both are plank doors with strap hinges. To the centre of the first floor is a wide doorway with an inserted wooden domestic panelled door. INTERIOR: the interior is divided into two rooms, with the stables on the east and the tack room to the west. The floors are flagged and retain case iron drainage fittings. On the west wall there is a recess with a brick arch with a small stone sink. The doorway of the dividing wall has a relieving brick arch and timber lintel. The stable room retains the panelling of the stalls. a renewed staircase leads through the original hatch to the first floor which is a single room with partially rendered walls. The exposed, monopitched roof has two skylights.
Books and journals Foyle, A, Pevsner Architectural Guides: Bristol, (2004), 226Other Professor Timothy Mowl & Dr Carol Fry, The Coach House, 16 Vyvyan Terrace, Bristol, 2011, Title: Tithe Map
Source Date: 1844
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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