Text Alternative for Radiocarbon Dating Figure 30

An accessible text alternative for figure 30 on required inputs and considerations for radiocarbon dating and chronological modelling at key stages in archaeological projects.

Project initiation

Stages & Activities

Proposal, outline, research proposal

Review point: decision to proceed


Outlines broad requirements for the work to be undertaken to ensure that it contributes to increased understanding and that it is appropriate/feasible.

Provides an initial statement of aims, objectives and contributes to project proposals.


  • Contribute to aims and objectives
  • Provide outline costings

Project planning

Stages & Activities

Specification, written scheme of investigation (WSI), research application, project design (PD), funding application

Review point: authorise project


Details the proposed scheme of investigation and provides a benchmark for measuring the progress of the project.

Describes aims, objectives and business case together with associated risk log and costs.


  • Ensure resources are appropriately costed
  • Chronological modeller identified as part of the project team
  • Radiocarbon laboratory(ies) identified
  • Assess the chronological resource (known and unknown) and their significance
  • Input to specification/WSI/research proposal etc, including research questions, sampling and retrieval methodologies
  • Detail plans for dissemination and archiving of data and reports

Project execution

Stages & Activities

Desk-based assessment (DBA)

Review point


A programme of study of the historic environment within a specified area or site to address specific research aims and objectives.


  • Review knowledge and understanding of the site's chronology
  • Assess the potential significance of the site

Stages & Activities

Fieldwork (evaluation/excavation/historic building recording etc,)

Review point


Sample collection (field)

Evaluation identifies, defines the character, extent, quality and preservation of historic environment resource.

Excavation (plus analagous forms of fieldwork) is more extensive and seeks to better understand the heritage resource.


  • Provide improved opportunities for the recovery of samples and better understanding of their contexts
  • Ensure robust sample retrieval and storage
  • Submission of completely unexpected finds/deposits lacking artefactual evidence of dating

Stages & Activities


Review point


Sample collection (off-site)

Assessment of potential samples for radiocarbon dating undertaken by appropriate specialists, eg zooarchaeologist, archaeobotanist, etc.

Pre-screening bones for radiocarbon dating (eg %N content of whole bone).

Collate prior information that will be included in the chronological modelling.


  • Ensure resources are appropriately costed
  • Determine the potential of the pool of available samples to address the aims and objectives
  • Undertake simulations
  • Define number(s) of samples
  • Liaise with other specialists
  • Submit of samples for range-finder dating

Stages & Activities


Review point


Laboratory analysis

Radiocarbon dating and stable isotope measurements undertaken by laboratory(ies)


  • Submit samples


Chronological modelling

Analysis of radiocarbon dating and stable isotope results by chronological modeller/stable isotope specialists.

Analysis, reporting and publication.


  • Build model
  • Interpret model
  • Consult with wider project team specialists
  • Write narrative

Stages & Activities

Dissemination and archive deposition

Review point



Radiocarbon and stable isotope measurements together with sample submission forms prepared and deposited for long-term storage.


  • Complete archiving tasks
  • Return access material from laboratory(ies) to site archive

Project completion

Stages & Activities



Make sure all tasks finished and products produced


  • Reflect on the success/failure of steps taken and what can be learned to inform future projects