
Explore the National Heritage List for England, learn more about listing or get involved by applying for listing or submitting a picture or story through the Missing Pieces Project. You can also discover our range of informative listing guidance and find out about alternative ways to celebrate heritage.

Throughout these pages we use the word ‘listing’ as shorthand for all forms of designation included on the National Heritage List for England, including Listed Buildings, Scheduled Monuments, Registered Parks, Gardens and Battlefields and Protected Wreck Sites.

  • Explore the List

    Search The National Heritage List for England (the NHLE) - the only official register of all nationally protected historic buildings and sites in England.

  • Find Out About Listing

    Find out about the different types of buildings and sites we protect, uncover the history of listing and understand how to read an entry.

  • Apply for Listing

    Understand how the listing process works, explore our listing priorities, and apply for listing. You can also find out about Building Preservation Notices and Certificates of Immunity, explore our paid-for services or update list entries via minor amendments.

  • The Missing Pieces Project

    Share your pictures and stories of the unique, significant and memorable places on the National Heritage List for England.

  • Discover our Listing Guidance

    Explore expert guidance to help understand what we are looking for when we assess applications for inclusion on the National Heritage List for England

  • Explore Alternatives to Listing

    View a range of alternative options to listing that celebrate the importance of heritage and create a sense of place.