Downfield Windmill, Soham
Downfield Windmill, Soham, Cambridgeshire CB7 5BG
The mill dates from 1726 when it was built as a timber-framed smock mill on a brick base. The present tapering brick structure which rises from the raised base dates from a re-building in 1860. There was further re-building following storm damage in 1889, and a restoration in 1975. The interior and mechanism date from the 19th Century rebuild but there is some timber re-used from the 1726 mill, including parts of the main shaft. Of major significance is the fact of the survival of all the original 19th Century machinery necessary for milling.
Opening Arrangements
Exterior only during daylight hours. Access to interior currently unavailable due to ongoing internal repair works.
Admission Charges
- Other Charges: Donations welcome. Small charge for special events.
Parking Spaces
On main road, 200m from windmill.