St Lawrence Church, Byker Crescent - Newcastle upon Tyne

Built on New Bridge Street in 1847 as a Presbyterian church in Early English Gothic Revival style, from designs by John Dobson. It was rebuilt for Catholic use in Felton Street in 1897, architect W. Lister Newcombe. Only one of the two spires was rebuilt and since the 1970s is part of the Byker Wall Estate. The west gable has a significant bulge externally and the south-west corner of the sanctuary offshoot has subsided causing wall cracks. The site has been secured with heras fencing and monitoring is in place while funding options are explored to deliver a comprehensive programme of repairs.

Site Details

    Designated Site Name:
    1-12 Felton House; 1-28 consec Byker Cresc; 1-43 Long Headlam;1-8 Headlam House inc shop; 1-81 consec Felton Walk; (All 5 with attached structures); St Lawrence RC Church Spires Lane & attached church hall
    Heritage Category:
    Listed Building grade II*
    List Entry Number:
    Local Planning Authority:
    Newcastle upon Tyne
    Site Type:
    Religious ritual and funerary > Church


    Building Name:
    St Lawrence Church
    Tyne and Wear
    District / Borough:
    Newcastle upon Tyne
    Parliamentary Constituency:
    Newcastle upon Tyne East
    North East and Yorkshire

Assessment Information

    Assessment Type:
    Place of worship
    C - Slow decay; no solution agreed
    Religious organisation
    Listed Place of Worship grade II*

Contact Details

Maria Carballeira 0191 4031650