Boundary wall to Kensal Green Cemetery, Harrow Road W10 - Kensington and Chelsea

High brick boundary wall to Harrow Road, a 100-metre section of which collapsed in 2006. Further bays were subsequently reduced in height due to safety concerns. Historic England awarded a grant towards the first phase of rebuilding the collapsed section which involves piling, casting a ground beam and rebuilding the wall as original. Repair works have been completed to ten bays in total, funded by Historic England and the General Cemetery Company. However, considerable further funding is required to complete essential works to the entire wall.

Site Details

    Designated Site Name:
    Perimeter Walls and Railings including Entrance Gateway Opposite Wakeman Road
    Heritage Category:
    Listed Building grade II
    List Entry Number:
    Local Planning Authority:
    Kensington and Chelsea
    Site Type:


    Building Name:
    Boundary wall to Kensal Green Cemetery
    Street Name:
    Harrow Road
    Greater London
    District / Borough:
    Kensington and Chelsea / Brent
    Parliamentary Constituency:
    Kensington and Bayswater
    London and South East

Assessment Information

    Assessment Type:
    Building or structure
    Very bad
    Occupancy / Use:
    Not applicable
    C - Slow decay; no solution agreed
    Previous Priority:
    Commercial company
    Listed Building grade II, part in RPG grade I, part in CA

Contact Details

Kate Orme (LPA) 020 7361 3000

Next steps

Read more about this historic site on the National Heritage List for England