Stokke Common, Great Bedwyn, Marlborough
Planning permission-demolition-new building-listed building consent-restoration-extension-listed building –house-s16 or s66 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990-registered park or garden-grade II*-sustaining significance-avoiding or minimising conflict with conservation-design integrating with historic environment
Type of Decision: Appeal
Year: 2016
Date: 21st January 2016
Planning Inspector: Jennifer Tempest
Appeal Reference: APP/Y3940/W/15/3004799 & Y/15/3004798
Local Authority Reference: 14/07960/FUL & 14/07959/LBC
Local Authority Area: Wiltshire Council
Address of the property: 23 Stokke Common, Great Bedwyn, Marlborough, SN8 3LL
Appellant: Mr Charles Bailey