Cobb Street, Tower Hamlets, New Building

Planning permission - Demolition - New building - Conservation area - s72 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 - Conservation area appraisal - Non-designated heritage asset - Viable use consistent with conservation - Identification of building as positive contributor to a conservation area - Less than substantial harm through development affecting the setting - Housing weighed against heritage conservation - Weight of impact on non-designated heritage asset

  • Type of Decision: Appeal
  • Year: 2015
    Date: 12 June 2015
  • Planning Inspector: L Gibbons
    Planning Case reference: APP/E5900/W/15/3003940
  • Local Authority Reference: PA/14/03348
    Local Authority Area: London Borough of Tower Hamlets
  • Address of the property: 2-10 Cobb Street, Tower Hamlets, London, E1 7LB
  • Appellant: Mr Laurence Quail (Cobb Street LLP) in partnership with Aitch Group)