Former Deptford Police Station, 114-116 Amersham Vale, London

Planning permission - Listed building consent - Listed building - Grade II - s16 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 - s66 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 - Public building - Demolition - Alteration - New building - Weight to be given to asset’s conservation - Interests or values that constitute heritage significance - Assessing the contribution of setting to significance - Less than substantial harm through development affecting the setting - Less than substantial harm through physical impact - Economic benefits weighed against heritage conservation - Housing weighed against heritage conservation

  • Type of Decision:  Planning permission; Listed building consent
    Year: 2018
    Date: 28 February 2018
  • Planning Inspector: Tim Wood
    Appeal Reference: APP/C5690/W/17/3182926; APP/C5690/Y/17/3182929
  • Local Authority Reference: DC/16/095031; DC/16/090532
    Local Authority Area: London Borough of Lewisham
  • Address of the property: 114-116 Amersham Vale, London SE14 6LG
  • Applicant/Appellant: Moor Park Estates Ltd