1 and 1A Haven Green and Spring Bridge Mews, London

Planning permission - Demolition - New building - Conservation area - Locally listed heritage asset - s72 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 - Identification of building as positive contributor to a conservation area - Loss of a whole building is less than substantial harm to a conservation area - Housing weighed against heritage conservation - Presumption in favour of sustainable development

  • Type of Decision: Planning permission
    Year: 2016
    Date: 14 September 2016
  • Planning Inspector: Robert Parker
    Appeal Reference: APP/A5270/W/16/3144337
  • Local Authority Reference: PP/2014/1285
    Local Authority Area: Council of the London Borough of Ealing
  • Address of the property: 1 and 1A Haven Green and Spring Bridge Mews, London W5 2AB
  • Applicant/Appellant: Mr and Mrs J Francis