Proposed Network Rail Ordsall Chord Order
Planning permission - Listed building consent - New building - Demolition - Listed building - Grade I - Grade II - Infrastructure - Public building - Conservation area - Substantial harm through physical impact - Substantial harm through development affecting the setting - s16 or s66 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 - s72 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 - Substantial public benefits that outweigh substantial harm - Transport infrastructure weighed against heritage conservation - Necessity of harm to deliver public benefits
- Type of Decision: TWA Order
- Year: 2015
Date: 25 March 2015 - Planning Inspector: SoS (Inspector: Brendan Lyons)
Planning Case reference: TWA/13/APP/03 - Local Authority Reference:
Local Authority Area: - TWA Order: Proposed Network Rail (Ordsall Chord) Order
- Applicant: Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd