Proposed Progress Power Gas Fired Power Station, Suffolk
Development consent-new building-heritage asset of demonstrable equivalent significance to a scheduled monument-need for clear and convincing justification for harm or loss-substantial harm or total loss should be wholly exceptional-non-designated heritage asset-conservation area-weight to be given to asset’s conservation-substantial harm through physical impact-substantial public benefits that outweigh substantial harm-less than substantial harm through physical impact-less than substantial harm through development affecting the setting-necessity of harm to deliver public benefits-energy production weighed against heritage conservation.
- Type of Decision: Application for Development Consent Order
- Year: 2015
Date: 23rd July 2015 - Decision by: SoS for Energy and Climate Change (The ExA: Jonathan Green)
- Local Authority Area: Mid-Suffolk District Council
- Address of the property: Proposed Progress Power Gas Fired Power Station, Suffolk
- Applicant: Progress Power Ltd