Remains of Wall to Merton Priory, Collier's Wood, Greater London

This piece of wall lies on the west side of the River Wandle between Merton High Street and Merantun Way. Merton Priory was an Augustinian priory. It was founded in 1114 and dissolved in 1538. It consisted of a cruciform (cross shaped) aisled church with a range of other buildings. Excavations have recovered part of the plan. From the 19th century the priory lay under Merton Abbey Station and the railway tracks. They were removed in 1978 and allowed excavations to take place. Substantial remains of the Chapter House are visible in a purpose built basement under a supermarket in addition to those of the precinct wall.


Greater London Collier's Wood


Victorian (1837 - 1901)


priory religion faith Victorian (1837 - 1901)