Coventry Historic Landscape Characterisation Final Report

English Heritage Project Number 5927

By Anna Wilson, Chris Patrick

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Historic Landscape Characterisation (HLC) is a desk-based analysis of the historic development of the landscape, principally from cartographic sources. The Coventry study, carried out by Conservation and Archaeology Team of Coventry City Council and funded by English Heritage, is part of a wider project aimed at establishing a new information resource on the historic character of the English landscape.

Within Coventry, the main objective of the HLC is to ensure that the historic environment is fully incorporated into all future development for the city. It should be used at the early stages of planning at a strategic level and should guide detailed research at later stages of design. The report includes details of how to access the HLC.


1. Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Location and Context
1.3 Coventry HLC: Aims, Objectives and Access to the Dataset
2. Coventry's Prehistory and History
2.1 Prehistory
2.2 The Early Medieval/Saxon Period
2.3 The Medieval Period (1066-1539)
2.4 The Post Medieval Period (1540-1836)
2.5 Mid to Late 19th Century and Beginning of the 20th Century (1837-1905)
2.6 The First Half of the 20th Century (1906-1955)
2.7 Second Half of the 20th Century (1955-present)
3. Method of Data Collection
3.1 Sources of Data
3.2 Modern Land Use
3.3 Period of Origin of Modern Land Use
3.4 Past Land Use
4. Analysis of Coventry's Landscape
4.1 Coventry's Modern Landscape
4.2 Period of Origin of Coventry's Landscape
4.3 Potential for Further Analysis
5. Character Area Profiles

Additional Information

  • Publication Status: Completed


If you require an alternative accessible version of this document please contact: Coventry City Council, Place Directorate, Development Management, Civic Centre 4, Much Park Street, Coventry CV1 2PY