MIDAS Heritage
the UK Historic Environment Data Standard
MIDAS Heritage - the UK Historic Environment Data Standard is a British cultural heritage standard for recording information on buildings, archaeological sites, shipwrecks, parks and gardens, battlefields, areas of interest and artefacts.
The data standard suggests the minimum level of information needed for recording heritage assets and covers the procedures involved in understanding, protecting and managing these assets. It also provides guidelines on how to support effective sharing of knowledge, data retrieval and long-term preservation of data.
MIDAS Heritage is freely available to anyone interested in recording historic environment information. It is used by national government organisations, local authorities, heritage sector organisations, amenity groups and societies, the research community and professional contractors.
Version 1.1
1. Introduction
2. Compliance with the MIDAS Heritage Data Standard
3. MIDAS Heritage Structure
4. Information Groups
5. Dictionary of Units of Information
6. Glossary
Additional Information
- Series: Guidance
- Publication Status: Completed
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