Planning for Archives: Opportunities and Omissions
End of project report, project 7756
By Ben Donnelly-Symes
This report was prompted by the 'Twenty First Century Challenges for Archaeology Project' - which amongst other challenges identified issues with Archaeological Archives - and by the Mendoza Review into museums. This report looks at the relationship between planning policy and archaeological archives.
It makes recommendations surrounding:
- References to archaeological archives in policy and guidance documentation
- On sharing best practice
- Digital Archiving
- Improving communication
ALGAO: England were commissioned to produce this report.
- Introduction
- Objective 1: To examine critically the wording and objectives of the NPPF with regard to archiving to determine the suitability or otherwise of current wording
- Objective 2: To identify the different interpretations, and subsequent opportunities afforded by the same, made by local planning authorities
- Objective 3: To determine whether the requirements for ‘useful’ archives in European Guidance are accurately reflected and achievable within national planning policy
- Objective 4: To ascertain blockages to delivering effective archiving through the planning process and to identify potential solutions and areas of improvement in the current process
- Objective 5: To share best practice of archiving amongst local planning authorities
- Final Recommendations
- Post Project evaluation plan
- Acknowledgements
- Appendix 1: Survey Questionnaire sent to ALGAO:England members
Additional Information
- Publication Status: Completed
- Pages: 49
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