A birds-eye view of a cruciform foundation with hypocaust stacks in the two right-hand rooms.
Baths Complex, Wroxeter Roman City, Shropshire. © Historic England Archive DP325544 View the list entry for the site of Roman town of Wroxeter (Viroconium).
Baths Complex, Wroxeter Roman City, Shropshire. © Historic England Archive DP325544 View the list entry for the site of Roman town of Wroxeter (Viroconium).

Scheduling Selection Guides

Discover guidance on a wide range of archaeological sites and monuments in our series of Scheduling Selection Guides. The guides include a summary of our current understanding of that type of monument or archaeological site (such as Religion and Ritual Post-AD 410, which covers sites such as abbeys, hermitages, standing crosses and more) along with advice on what may be considered for scheduling. You’ll also find a select bibliography to help guide you to useful further reading. 

To understand the statutory criteria for scheduling, as well as the legislation that enables monuments and sites to be scheduled, please visit our page 'What Are Scheduled Monuments?'


This guide provides a broad overview of the main phases of development and the main types of agricultural sites and landscapes, as well as information on what could be suitable for scheduling. It also outlines other methods for managing change to agricultural sites and landscapes. 

Scheduling selection guides for agriculture sites

Commemorative and Funerary

This guide provides an overview of archaeological monuments and sites associated with commemorative and funerary rites and activities. Setting these sites within their historical context, the guide also provides an introduction to some of the specific legal constraints in dealing with human remains, as well as guidance which can be used when assessing suitable sites for scheduling. 

Scheduling selection guides for commemorative and funerary sites

Commercial Sites

Focusing on archaeological sites associated with commerce, this guide covers the periods up to and including the medieval period and includes guidance which can be used when assessing suitable sites for scheduling. 

Scheduling selection guides for commercial sites

Culture, Entertainment and Sport

Covering sites ranging from amphitheaters to racing circuits; from deer parks to mazes. Along with a historical summary, guidance which can be used when assessing suitable sites for scheduling is also provided. 

Scheduling selection guides for culture, entertainment and sport sites

Health and Welfare Sites

Including guidance which can be used when assessing suitable health and welfare sites, such as hospitals for scheduling, this guide also includes a historical summary of the development of these types of sites.  

Scheduling selection guides for health and welfare sites


This selection guide offers an overview of the sorts of garden remains that are likely to have national importance, and for which scheduling may be appropriate.

Scheduling selection guides for gardens

Industrial Sites

This guide explores industrial sites such as kilns and furnaces which might be suitable for scheduling, as well as providing a historical summary and a specialist bibliography. 

Scheduling selection guides for industrial sites

Law and Government

Covering sites and monuments of law and government from the prehistoric period to post-medieval, this guide includes monuments such as jails and courthouses. Alongside a historical summary, there is also guidance which can be used when assessing suitable sites for scheduling. 

Scheduling selection guides for law and government sites


This selection guide offers an overview of the sorts of archaeological monument or site associated with education which might be suitable for scheduling, as well as providing a historical summary and a specialist bibliography. 

Scheduling selection guides for places of learning

Maritime and Naval

Providing guidance to be used when scheduling archaeological sites associated with maritime and naval activity, this guide also includes a brief historical summary.  

Scheduling selection guides for maritime and naval sites

Military Sites Pre-1500

Covering pre-1500 military sites, this guide includes a historical summary and guidance to be used when assessing suitable sites for scheduling.  

Scheduling selection guides for pre-1500 military sites

Military Sites Post-1500

Covering post-1500 military sites, this guide includes a historical summary and guidance to be used when assessing suitable sites for scheduling. 

Scheduling selection guides for military sites post-1500

Religion and Ritual Pre-AD 410

Including a historical summary of archaeological sites associated with religion and ritual pre-AD 410, this guide also provides guidance to be used when assessing suitable sites for scheduling. 

Scheduling selection guides for religion and ritual pre-AD 410

Religion and Ritual Post-AD 410

Including a historical summary of archaeological sites associated with religion and ritual post-AD 410, this guide also provides guidance to be used when assessing suitable sites for scheduling. 

Scheduling selection guides for religion and ritual post-AD 410

Settlement Sites to 1500

This guide explores sites of human settlement pre-1500, with a historical summary and guidance for making an assessment for scheduling.   

Scheduling selection guides for settlement sites to 1500

Sites of Early Human Activity

Including a historical summary of sites of early human activity, this guide also provides guidance to be used when assessing suitable sites for scheduling. 

Scheduling selection guides for sites of early human activity

Transport Sites

This guide explores transport sites such as crosses, waymarks, bridges and boat lifts which might be suitable for scheduling, as well as providing a historical summary and a specialist bibliography. 

Scheduling selection guides for transport sites


This guide covers sites associated with utilities, such as water supply and sewage disposal, providing a historical summary and guidance to be used when assessing suitable sites for scheduling. 

Scheduling selection guides for utilities

Where can I find more information on monuments and archeological sites?

Our Introductions to Heritage Assets (IHAs) are bite-sized research summaries of different types of heritage assets, including archeological sites and monuments. These useful guides summarise existing literature as well as giving insights into less well-known topics, which might not have been widely studied or written about. Explore topics as diverse as Prehistoric Rock Art, Roman Settlements and Hillforts.