Former Weedon Barracks, Weedon Bec, Northamptonshire

An ordnance depot at Weedon Bec was authorised by an Act of Parliament in 1803. This was mainly built between 1804 and 1816. It was built for the Board of Ordnance to provide a secure inland store for gunpowder, firearms and other military stores. These could be transported by the nearby Grand Junction Canal. The original buildings included eight storehouses, four magazines, two lodges, accommodation for the Board's officials and a canal basin. Four storehouses were converted to a barracks and two into a military prison. The outbreak of the First World War saw several new storehouses and workshops added to the depot and the prison was closed. The depot was gradually emptied after World War Two and closed in 1965.


Northamptonshire Weedon Bec


Georgian (1714 - 1836)


military georgian (1714 - 1836) world war one (1914 - 1919) world war one first ww1 wwi second ww2