Hyde Park, Westminster, Greater London

Meet of the Coaching Club in Hyde Park, showing crowds of people and a procession of carriages. The extract below comes from The Queen's London : a Pictorial and Descriptive Record of the Streets, Buildings, Parks and Scenery of the Great Metropolis, 1896 - 'At the height of the London "season" there are few more popular functions than a meet of the Coaching Club or of the Four-in-Hand Club in the Ladies' Mile, as the broad drive in in Hyde Park on the north side of the Serpentine is commonly called. On such occasions an immense crowd of fashionable persons goes to see the gathering and to discuss the horses and the people on the drags, which sometimes number between thirty and forty. It is always a very gay scene in fine weather, as may be imagined from the picture. The fours-in hand assemble near the Powder Magazine, and after a time leave the Ladies' Mile for Hurlingham, Hurst Park, or some other country place.'


Greater London Westminster


Victorian (1837 - 1901)


park leisure people horse carriage transport