The Blue Idol Meeting House, Old House Lane
The Blue Idol Meeting House, Old House Lane, Coolham, West Sussex RH13 8QP
A Grade II* building, originally an L-shaped timber-framed farmhouse with plaster infilling and a Horsham slab roof. In 1691 the south end of the building was converted into a Friends' Meeting House by John Shaw, who removed the internal first floor. The Meeting House has a gallery with 2 attic bedrooms for visiting Friends. The window bay at the north end of the building was added in 1893 and there are also modern additions dating from 1931 for the Guest House. William Penn attended this Meeting House between 1676 and 1693 and his daughter, Letitia, is buried in the burial ground attached to the Meeting House.
Opening Arrangements
Please look at the place of worship’s website for opening times or contact them directly.