Stonehenge Landscape with traffic in the foreground
Heavy traffic on the A303 impacts the Stonehenge World Heritage Site. © National Trust
Heavy traffic on the A303 impacts the Stonehenge World Heritage Site. © National Trust

Historic England, National Trust and English Heritage Welcome ICOMOS/UNESCO Report on Stonehenge Tunnel Plans

Historic England, the National Trust and English Heritage welcome the ICOMOS/UNESCO report published today (Tuesday 3 May) which recognises the benefits a tunnel of at least 2.9km could bring to the Stonehenge World Heritage Site, if it is designed and delivered well.

The report by the International Council on Monuments and Sites and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation is the result of an advisory mission to the World Heritage Site in October 2015. The report mirrors the views held jointly by Historic England, the National Trust and English Heritage, in acknowledging that a fully-bored tunnel of at least 2.9km could help to significantly improve the World Heritage Site and that the design and location of all aspects of the road improvement scheme need to be carefully and fully considered.

The report acknowledges that a solution needs to be found for the A303 traffic bottleneck, and commends the UK Government for its proactive and collaborative approach. The report highlights the scheme's potential to become a best practice case for the management and design of substantial infrastructure in a World Heritage Site and states that any scheme must both protect the Outstanding Universal Value of the World Heritage Site and also benefit road users whether they are local, national or international.

The report highlights the recent improvements to the Stonehenge Landscape, namely the removal and grassing over of the A344 road, undertaken by English Heritage in partnership with the National Trust to reunite the Stonehenge monument with the wider landscape, as a success story and a vision of what could be achieved with the A303.

Helen Ghosh, Director-General for the National Trust says:

"We welcome this report which recognises the unmissable opportunity the Government's road improvement scheme presents finally to address the blight of the existing A303 and the recommendation that heritage is put at the heart of any proposed scheme. At the moment the A303 cuts through the middle of the World Heritage Site, compromising its integrity and harming the setting of many monuments."

Duncan Wilson, Chief Executive of Historic England says:

"We share the mission's view that the design and location of all aspects of the road improvement need to be very carefully considered. But with sensitive design there is a real opportunity both to deal with the problem of the current A303 and to deliver significant public access and landscape quality benefits to the World Heritage Site. We will work closely with Highways England and other partners to ensure that the mission's advice is fully taken on board."

Kate Mavor, Chief Executive of English Heritage, says:

"We are delighted that the mission recognises the benefits our recent improvements have brought to the World Heritage Site. Provided that it is designed and built in the right way, a tunnel would reunite the wider landscape around the ancient stones, helping people to better understand and enjoy them."

In 2014 Historic England, English Heritage and the National Trust welcomed the Government's announcement that it would be committing to a new tunnel of at least 2.9km to remove the A303 from the Stonehenge Landscape as part of its Road Investment Strategy. At present there are no detailed designs, but all three heritage and conservation organisations are committed to working closely with Highways England to ensure that only schemes which protect and enhance the World Heritage Site are progressed.