Project Milestone: Securing the necessary permissions and consents

Once the design development is complete, the necessary listed building consent and planning applications should be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for determination. These applications typically include detailed plans, specifications, and other documentation, demonstrating compliance with planning policy. Key documentation will be the Design and Access Statement and Heritage Statements. Each Local Planning Authority should have a planning application validation check list setting out specific application requirements.

The application(s) should clearly articulate the proposals, the relevant policy and how the proposals accord with these policies and other guidance. For historic buildings, it is typically important to evidence the process of reaching a preferred option, including through design development and viability considerations. Pre-application engagement with stakeholders such as the Local Planning Authority, to review this body of work, can help to de-risk this element by resolving key issues prior to submitting the application(s).

Once validated by the Local Planning Authority, they will likely commence a formal consultation period on the planning and listed building application(s). This provides the opportunity for statutory stakeholders (e.g. Historic England, Local Authority Highways Department, Environmental Health, Utility Providers etc) and members of the public to make comments on the application(s). Again, pre-application stakeholder engagement can reduce unforeseen comments.

Once comments have been resolved to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority and they are satisfied the proposals meet planning policy requirements, they will look to determine the application(s). This may be at the relevant Planning Committee or a delegated decision made by the planning case officer, where that sits within a particular Local Planning Authority’s scheme of delegated powers.

Heritage Works for Housing: Process

Previous: Marketing and Sales Strategy

Current: Securing Necessary Permissions

Next: Early Works

Heritage Works for Housing

Historic England aims to support developers in their journey to reusing historic buildings. This guidance highlights how historic buildings can be reused, repurposed and refurbished to provide residential development. It outlines the process from buying an historic building to long-term occupation and management; and the key challenges and approaches to overcome.

These pages provide case studies of successful reuse of historic buildings into new homes, creating sustainable and dynamic places to live. Historic buildings are a tangible opportunity to address ongoing industry challenges, including the housing requirement whilst minimising carbon impacts.

Managing Change
The Interface of New and Old
Case Study Resources

Historic England engaged Deloitte LLP to assist with the preparation of this Publication / Guidance which uses information provided by Historic England as well as research undertaken by Deloitte to provide guidance on the process for use of historic buildings for residential purposes. Any views, conclusions, insights, and/or recommendations within this Publication / Guidance are Historic England's alone.