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37 results found

  • Weston-super-Mare

    This book celebrates Weston's colourful history and heritage.

    Series: Informed Conservation
  • Weymouth's Seaside Heritage

    Describes the colourful story of Weymouth’s seaside history and the buildings and open spaces that survive to illustrate this story. Also demonstrates how the historic environment can play an important part in the future development of the town.

    Series: Informed Conservation
  • Alston Moor, Cumbria

    A synthesis of recent English Heritage research on the vernacular buildings of the parish of Alston Moor, Cumbria, considering the very special examples found there of the bastle.

    Series: Informed Conservation
  • Ancoats

    This book raises awareness of the wide range and varied character of the historic mills, buildings and canals which constitue the Ancoats townscape in Manchester, and the forces and trends which have contributed to its appearance.

    Series: Informed Conservation
  • Behind the Veneer: South Shoreditch - The furniture trade and its buildings

    South Shoreditch’s greatest architectural legacy arises from the furniture trade. This book examines the architectural distinctiveness of the area and looks at the enormous developmental pressures it faces due to its proximity to the City.

    Series: Informed Conservation
  • Berwick-upon-Tweed: Three places, two nations, one town

    Presents the wealth of historic interest encapsulated in Berwick, Tweedmouth and Spittal, explaining how they came to assume such distinctive and varied forms, shaped as they are by a unique combination of historical and geographical circumstances.

    Series: Informed Conservation
  • The Birmingham Jewellery Quarter: An introduction and guide

    Birmingham’s Jewellery Quarter is a distinct urban industrial landscape; this book explains its evolution and highlights its unique qualities in the national and international context.

    Series: Informed Conservation
  • Blackpool's Seaside Heritage

    This book celebrates Blackpool's rich heritage and examines how its colourful past is playing a key part in guaranteeing that it has a bright future.

    Series: Informed Conservation
  • Boston, Lincolnshire

    Discusses all the important historic and current factors affecting Boston’s development and its future.

    Series: Informed Conservation
  • Bridport and West Bay: The buildings of the flax and hemp industry

    Bridport is the home of an ancient industry, the manufacture of goods from flax and hemp. The local townscapes of this industry are of great historic significance and provide the building blocks for the regeneration of its historic industrial areas.

    Series: Informed Conservation
  • Building a Better Society: Liverpool's historic institutional buildings

    This book emphasises the importance of institutional and charitable buildings to our understanding of Liverpool’s character and demonstrates how new uses can be found to ensure they continue to form part of the city’s historic environment.

    Series: Informed Conservation
  • Built on Commerce: Liverpool's central business district

    Tells the story of the business quarter district in Liverpool from the 18th century to the present day and emphasises that the conservation of historic commercial buildings is important in retaining the area’s distinctive character.

    Series: Informed Conservation
  • Built to Last? The buildings of the Northamptonshire boot and shoe industry

    This book documents the extraordinary character of what survives of the boot and shoe industry in Northamptonshire. Because many of the historic buildings related to the industry are robust and versatile, it examines how they can be put to new use.

    Series: Informed Conservation
  • Manchester's Northern Quarter

    Raises awareness of the wide range and varied character of the historic buildings which make up the Northern Quarter’s distinctive townscape in Manchester. Shows how the area has evolved to become a culturally distinctive part of the city.

    Series: Informed Conservation
  • Manchester: The warehouse legacy

    An examination of Manchester’s textile warehouses. These warehouses provide the distinctive element of Manchester’s streetscape. The book examines their development, use and adaptation and places them in a social and historical context.

    Series: Informed Conservation
  • Manningham: Character and diversity in a Bradford suburb

    Tells the story of Manningham's development and raises awareness of the wide range and varied character of the historic landscape and buildings which constitute Manningham.

    Series: Informed Conservation
  • Margate's Seaside Heritage

    Examines Margate’s seaside heritage and looks at its development as a destination for holiday-makers. By examining Margate’s historic identity the book proposes that Margate will be able to successfully renew itself to face future challenges.

    Series: Informed Conservation
  • Newcastle's Grainger Town: An urban renaissance

    Describes the evolution of Grainger Town in Newcastle and explains how recent planning initiatives have celebrated and exploited a unique urban landscape and injected new life into it.

    Series: Informed Conservation
  • One Great Workshop: The buildings of the Sheffield metal trades

    Summarises the history of Sheffield’s metal trades, describes the processes involved and illustrates the special environment produced by the buildings of the industry. Examines the challenges of finding ways to keep these buildings economically viable.

    Series: Informed Conservation
  • Ordinary Landscapes, Special Places: Anfield, Breckfield and the growth of Liverpool's suburbs

    Explores the development of one area of Liverpool’s suburbs, examining the forces that shaped it and explaining the patterns that we see in the landscape today.

    Series: Informed Conservation

Historic England Research

  • Historic England Research Magazine

    View back issues of Historic England Research and its predecessor Research News available to download.

  • Research Reports

    Our Research Report series includes research carried out by Historic England and on our behalf by other organisations.

Book series