National Heritage Protection Plan: Overview Report May 2011-May 2014
This report is a retrospective overview of progress on the National Heritage Protection Plan from May 2011 to May 2014. It was compiled by English Heritage as it was before the separation in April 2015 into two organisations: English Heritage and Historic England.
Some key points about the now completed National Heritage Protection Plan include:
- The National Heritage Protection Plan was co-ordinated by English Heritage on behalf of the wider sector, and benefitted greatly from advice and comment provided by an independent Advisory Board representing a wide range of organisations with particular interests in the protection of our historic environment.
- The National Heritage Protection Plan was launched by the Right Hon. John Penrose MP in May 2011. Both he and his successor, Ed Vaizey MP described it as effectively 'the business plan for the historic environment'.
- The purpose of the Plan was to identify those parts of England's heritage that mattered most to people and were at greatest risk, and then to concentrate efforts on saving them. In doing so, it represented a first ever attempt to create a national strategic framework for concerted action across the heritage sector.
- The experience we have gained from the external and internal assessments of the National Heritage Protection Plan has helped to shape the new Corporate and Action plans for Historic England and will continue to inspire the way the new organisation works.
- The launch of Historic England also coincided with the agreement of the Historic Environment Forum to take full ownership of the successor to the National Heritage Protection Plan on behalf of the wider heritage sector - Heritage 2020: Strategic priorities for England's historic environment 2015-2020.
Executive Summary
Organisation of this Report
Measure 1: Foresight
Measure 2: Strategic Threat Assessment and Response
Measure 3: Recognition and identification of the Potential Resource
Measure 4: Assessment of Character and Significance
Measure 5: Protection of Significance
Measure 6: Management of Planned Change in the Historic Environment
Measure 7: Managing Major Holdings of Historic Assets
Measure 8: Help and Advice for Owners
Supporting Actions: Making the NHPP Work
Additional Information
- Publication Status: Completed
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