Reasons for Designation
Standing stones are prehistoric ritual or ceremonial monuments with dates ranging from the Late Neolithic to the end of the Bronze Age for the few excavated examples. They comprise single or paired upright orthostatic slabs, ranging from under lm to over 6m high where still erect. They are often conspicuously sited and close to other contemporary monument classes. They can be accompanied by various features: many occur in or on the edge of round barrows, and where excavated, associated subsurface features have included stone cists, stone settings, and various pits and hollows filled in with earth containing human bone, cremations, charcoal, flints, pots and pot sherds. Similar deposits have been found in excavated sockets for standing stones, which range considerably in depth. Several standing stones also bear cup and ring marks. Standing stones may have functioned as markers for routeways, territories, graves, or meeting points, but their accompanying features show they also bore a ritual function and that they form one of several ritual monument classes of their period that often contain a deposit of cremation and domestic debris as an integral component. No national survey of standing stones has been undertaken, and estimates range from 50 to 250 extant examples, widely distributed throughout England but with concentrations in Cornwall, the North Yorkshire Moors, Cumbria, Derbyshire and the Cotswolds. Standing stones are important as nationally rare monuments, with a high longevity and demonstrating the diversity of ritual practices in the Late Neolithic and Bronze Age. Despite early partial excavation the standing stone known as the 'Blind Fiddler', 405m south east of Lesbew Farm survives well and is not recorded as having fallen or been moved. It will retain archaeological and environmental evidence relating to its erection, function, longevity, funerary and ritual practices, territorial and social significance as well as its overall landscape context.
The monument includes a standing stone situated on a ridge forming the watershed between two tributaries to the Lamorna River. The standing stone survives as a freestanding slightly leaning earthfast upright monolith measuring 3.3m high, 1.9m wide and 0.4m thick. In 1872 Borlase reported that a labourer digging for treasure had found a deposit of ashes and bone and saw the stone was sunk 4 feet into the ground. The stone is also known locally as the Trenuggo or Tregonebris Stone.
Sources: HER:-
PastScape Monument No:-422516