Reasons for Designation
A palisaded hilltop enclosure is a small defended site of domestic function
dating to the Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age (c.550-440 BC). Their
distribution is largely restricted to north-eastern England, the Borders and
southern Scotland. They are generally located on spurs, promontories or
hilltops covering areas of less then 0.4ha. The boundaries of these sites are
marked by single or double rock-cut trenches which originally formed the
settings for substantial palisades. Remains of circular buildings are found
within the palisaded areas, along with evidence for fenced stock enclosures.
Palisaded sites are the earliest type of defended settlements recorded in the
area and are thought to be a product of increasingly unsettled social
conditions in the later prehistoric period. They imply an extensive use of
timber, confirmation that large areas were heavily wooded at this time.
Although the palisades at individual sites may have undergone several phases
of replacement or refurbishment it is thought that the tradition of building
this type of site spanned only around 150 years. After this the use of earthen
banks and ditches to form the defensive perimeter became more common.
Excavation has demonstrated that at several sites the earthen defences were
preceded by timber palisades.
Palisaded enclosures are a rare monument type with fewer than 200 known
examples. They are an important element of the later prehistoric settlement
pattern and are important for any study of the developing use of defended
settlements during the later prehistoric period. All identified surviving
examples are believed to be nationally important. During the later prehistoric period (seventh - fifth centuries BC) a variety
of different types of settlement were constructed and occupied in the northern
uplands of England. The most obvious sites were hillforts built in prominent
locations. In addition to these a range of smaller sites, sometime with an
enclosed area of less than 1ha and defined as defended settlements, were also
constructed. Some of these were located on hilltops, others are found in less
prominent positions. The enclosing defences were of earthen construction, some
sites having a single bank and ditch (univallate), others more than one
(multivallate). At some sites these earthen ramparts represent a second phase,
the first having been a timber fence or palisade. This is the case at Ell's
Knowe. Within the enclosure, a number of stone or timber-built round houses
were occupied by the inhabitants. Stock may also have been kept in these
houses, especially during the cold winter months, or in enclosed yards outside
them. The communities occupying these sites were probably single family
groups, the defended settlements being used as farmsteads.
Defended settlements are a rare monument type. They were an important element
of the later prehistoric settlement pattern of the northern uplands and are
important for any study of the developing use of fortified settlements during
this period. All well preserved examples are believed to be of national
The settlement at Ell's Knowe and its associated finds from the excavations
indicate considerable human activity between the seventh and sixth centuries
Settlements of this date are rare both nationally and locally and contribute
to our understanding of settlement and land use during the transition period
between a bronze and an iron using economy.
This monument includes a hilltop defended enclosure situated on a promontory
overlooking ground on all sides. Aerial photographs depict slight traces of
ramparts, however on the ground they are most visible on the northern part
of the site. The hilltop enclosure contains an area measuring 60m north-south
by 70m east-west. Some limited excavation was carried out on the site in 1970
and in 1978. These excavations indicated that the settlement had originally
been enclosed by a double palisade. The palisade trench excavated, varied in
depth from a few centimetres to 0.5m in depth and about 0.5m wide. The
palisade trench had been filled with stones, but the process of construction
did not appear to be complete. A second phase of building was apparent which
included replacing the incomplete double palisade with approximately three
stone ramparts on gentle slopes and one rampart on steeper slopes on the east
side. The surface traces of these ramparts are only slight.
The entrance into the enclosure is located on the western side of the hill.
Some hut circles can be seen inside the south side of the enclosure, of which
three were excavated revealing slight structural remains below the ground. The
hut circles measure between 6.1m in diameter and 7.7m in diameter.
The site is exceptionally rich in finds including hand made pottery, stone
pounders, flint scrapers, a spindlewhorl and pieces of an iron furnace. The
hilt and upper blade of an iron sword were also found during the excavations.
This indicates a substantial amount of activity taking place within the
settlement interior between the seventh and sixth centuries BC. MAP EXTRACT
The site of the monument is shown on the attached map extract.
It includes a 2 metre boundary around the archaeological features,
considered to be essential for the monument's support and preservation.
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Books and journals Burgess, C, 'Univ of Durham & Newcastle upon Tyne Archaeological Reports 1978' in Excavations at Ell's Knowe, Northumberland, , Vol. 1979, (), 8 Burgess, C, 'Arch. Newsbulletin for Northumberland, Cumberland & Westmoreland' in Reports on Excavations in 1970, , Vol. 10,1971, (1971), 2-3Other Ell's Knowe, Gates, T, NT8727/B, (1982)
This monument is scheduled under the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979 as amended as it appears to the Secretary of State to be of national importance. This entry is a copy, the original is held by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport.
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