Reasons for Designation
Hadrian's Wall marks one of the frontiers of the Roman Empire. The
international importance of the surviving remains has been recognised through
designation as a World Heritage Site.
The military importance of the Tyne-Solway route across the Pennines was
recognised by the Romans in the second half of the first century AD when a
military road, the Stanegate, was constructed along with a series of forts.
There is evidence that the Tyne-Solway route was being recognised as a
frontier by the start of the second century AD, but the line was consolidated
in the early second century AD by the construction of a substantial frontier
work, Hadrian's Wall, in c.120 AD. Subsequent attempts to establish the
boundary further north, between Clyde and Forth, failed by c.160 AD. Hadrian's
Wall then remained the frontier of the Roman Empire in Britain until c.400 AD
when Roman armies withdrew from Britain.
For most of its course, the 70 miles of Hadrian's Wall running from coast to
coast comprised a continuous stone wall (which in places was first temporarily
built of turf) with permanent structures sited at intervals of one Roman mile
(milecastles) and at third of a mile intervals (turrets) between the
milecastles. At a later date, the Wall was strengthened by 16 full-size
garrison forts built either on, or close to, the Wall. To the north of the
Wall, for most of its length, lay a substantial defensive ditch and to the
south a complex of banks and ditches provided east-west communication and
demarcated the frontier zone from the province.
To the west of Bowness-on-Solway, where the Wall reached the sea, however, the
frontier had a different character and served a slightly different purpose. At
the western end of the Wall a system of milefortlets and towers, spaced
similarly to the milecastles and turrets along the Wall, extended the frontier
system for at least 27 miles down the Cumbrian coast and helped control
movement across the estuary of the Solway Firth. In places these milefortlets
and towers were supplemented by lengths of palisade fences.
Throughout its long history the Wall was not always well maintained. It was
often neglected and sometimes overrun, but it remained in use until the late
fourth century when a weak and divided Roman Empire finally withdrew its
armies from the Wall and Britain.
The frontier works along the Cumbrian coast survive as earthworks or buried
archaeological remains, the latter sometimes visible on aerial photographs.
They survive in this form largely as a result of the more ephemeral materials
of which they were built (timber and turf instead of the stone of Hadrian's
Wall land frontier) rather than because of poor survival of archaeological
remains. Components of the coastal frontier which have surviving
archaeological remains, whether visible or not, will generally be considered
of national importance.
Roman forts served as permanent bases for auxiliary units of the Roman army.
In outline they were straight sided rectangular enclosures with rounded
corners, defined by a single rampart with one or more outer ditches. The
majority of forts were constructed between the mid first and mid second
centuries AD. Some were only used for short periods of time but others were
occupied for extended periods on a more or less permanent basis. In the
earlier forts timber was used for gateways, towers and breastworks. From the
beginning of the second century AD there was a gradual replacement of
timber with stone. As one of a small group of Roman military monuments, which
are important in representing army strategy and therefore government policy,
forts are of particular significance to our understanding of the period.
The attached vicus comprised a cluster of buildings such as domestic
residences, workshops, shops and temples, together with roads, trackways,
enclosures, fields and garden plots. Such vici were similar to contemporary
small towns although they lacked the planned street grid normally evident in
the latter. Normally they also lacked the defences surrounding the small
towns. Unlike other towns vici were probably administered by the military
authorities rather than being self-governing. The close juxtaposition of the
fort and vicus allows the civilian communities to be investigated. In this
instance the close proximity of the site to the Hadrianic frontier region was
probably of considerable contemporary importance and activities within the
vicus are thought to have been closely linked to wider activities within the
frontier region.
Roman roads were the first artificially made-up routes in Britain and were
introduced by the Roman army from c.AD 43. They facilitated both the conquest
of the province and its administration. Additionally Roman roads acted as
commercial routes and became foci for settlement and industry. They provide
important evidence of Roman engineering skills as well as the pattern of
conquest and settlement.
A combination of antiquarian investigation, limited excavation and aerial
photography have shown that buried remains of Maryport Roman fort, its
associated vicus and a length of Roman road survive well and extensively. The
monument retains considerable information about its origin and form and will
contribute to any further study of the Roman frontier defences along the
Cumbrian coast.
The monument includes the earthworks and buried remains of Maryport Roman fort
- identified as the site of Alavna noted in classical sources - together with
the buried remains of a large part of its associated vicus or civilian
settlement. The vicus has been identified by a combination of antiquarian
investigation and aerial photography. The vicus is located to the north and
north east of the fort and includes a 420m length of Roman road running from
the north gate of the fort through it. The fort formed part of the second
century AD Roman frontier defences of forts, milefortlets and towers set
approximately one third of a Roman mile apart along the vulnerable low-lying
coastal plain of north west Cumbria and augmented in places by palisade
fences. The monument is located on a sandstone ridge between 45m-56m OD close
to the cliff edge from where there are extensive views in all directions but
particularly out to sea and across the Solway Firth towards south western
Scotland. The fort survives as a substantial undulating platform measuring
approximately 140m square internally, and excavation has shown that it was
defended by four ditches on the northern side and at least three ditches on
the eastern side. Aerial photographs show that at least two ditches provided
defence on the fort's south and west sides. Aerial photographs also show that
the vicus extended over a considerable area to the north and north east of the
fort. These photographs show a combination of dark crop marks representing
infilled ditches and light crop marks which indicate the presence of buried
remains of substantial stone buildings, some of which flank the Roman road
which is also clearly visible on the aerial photographs. Interpretation of
these photographs by the Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of
England in 1993 indicated the presence of a trackway or boundary ditch flanked
in part by a further group of buildings, and a large number of rectangular or
curvilinear enclosures of various sizes representing fields, garden plots and
land division within the vicus.
There is a long history of recorded antiquarian investigation and limited
excavation at this monument going back to the late 16th century when the then
owner, John Senhouse, had begun to form the Netherhall Collection of
inscriptions and sculptures which later became the largest private collection
of Roman antiquities from any British site. The Senhouse family continued
investigations of the fort and vicus throughout the next three centuries and
the monument is known to have provided a ready supply of building material for
the growing town of Maryport. In 1870 the biggest single find of Roman
inscriptions ever made in Britain came to light when 17 buried altars were
found in the vicus close to the site of the second century AD parade ground
north of the fort. Ten years later Robinson traced the Roman road running
through the vicus from the fort's north gate, and beside it he found numerous
rectangular strip houses, that is, long narrow stone buildings lying endwise
to the road. These buildings were generally internally subdivided to give an
open front onto the street which served as a shop, behind this the middle room
functioned as a workshop and the rear room provided living accommodation for
the family. Other buildings found by Robinson included temples and tombs. In
the third century AD the parade ground was moved to the south side of the fort
and its original area was taken over by the expanding vicus. Limited
excavation of the fort in 1966 found the well preserved remains of barrack
blocks and stables or storage buildings and indicated that the fort had been
constructed during the Hadrianic period (AD 117-138) and remained in use until
the late fourth or early fifth century. A study of the Roman altars, building
inscriptions and dedication slabs from the fort and vicus reveal evidence for
some of the garrisons stationed at the fort. The cohors I Hispanorum, a unit
1000 strong, built the fort in the early years of Hadrian's reign. By the mid
second century the fort was occupied by the cohors I Delmatarum and in the
early third century the garrison was the ala II Asturum, a cavalry unit
originally raised in Spain. One other garrison, the cohors I Baetasiorum, is
known from inscriptions to have been stationed at Maryport, possibly in the
late second century.
All modern field boundaries and gateposts are excluded from the scheduling
although the ground beneath these features is included.
The site of the monument is shown on the attached map extract.