Reasons for Designation
Lundy is a small, steep sided island in the Bristol Channel, 16m north of
Hartland Point, north Devon. Aligned north-south, it is 6km long by 1km wide
and supports a predominately moorland vegetation. The 100m high cliffs and
tabular form give it a striking appearance, visible in clear weather from
parts of south west England and south Wales.
Lundy's remoteness and (until the 19th century construction of the Beach Road)
its inaccessibility, combined with a lack of shelter and cultivable soils, has
meant that it has escaped more recent occupation or development. It therefore
preserves a remarkable variety of archaeological sites from early prehistory
(c.8000 BC) onwards, representing evidence for habitation, fortification,
farming and industry. There are also archaeological remains in the waters
surrounding the island - over 150 shipwrecks are already recorded. Most of the
island's archaeology is well documented from detailed survey in the 1980s and
1990s. Around Lundy's coast, and situated both in cliff top and shoreline positions,
is a series of structures designed to defend the island. These varied in form
and scale from the stronghold now known as Marisco Castle, to the smaller and
more ephemeral gun platforms built to support musketeers. That these positions
were principally for the purpose of preventing a landing is supported by their
location above and around the more vulnerable bays and beaches, such as the
Landing Bay and Jenny's Cove. Although the precise dating and function is
unclear, it is likely that some will date to the time of the Civil War, while
others may relate to coastal piracy which was prevalent in the Bristol Channel
between the 15th and 18th centuries.
This defensive platform at Jenny's Cove survives well and forms an important
part of the system of cliff defences on the island. The platform overlooks the
landing place in Jenny's Cove and the path up from it.
The monument includes a revetted platform half-way up the cliff on the
northern side of Jenny's Cove on Lundy's west side. It lies some 50m south
west of another platform which is the subject of separate scheduling. Both
appear to have been constructed as coastal defensive batteries for musketeers.
Both overlook the landing beach and path up from Jenny's Cove.
The platform is square and measures 6m by 6m with the the northern side built
up with drystone granite walling and smaller walls on the south and west
sides. The platform is built against the cliff. MAP EXTRACT
The site of the monument is shown on the attached map extract.
It includes a 2 metre boundary around the archaeological features,
considered to be essential for the monument's support and preservation.
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Books and journals Gardner, K, The Archaeology of Lundy, (1972)
This monument is scheduled under the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979 as amended as it appears to the Secretary of State to be of national importance. This entry is a copy, the original is held by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport.
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