Reasons for Designation
Ringworks are medieval fortifications built and occupied from the late
Anglo-Saxon period to the later 12th century. They comprised a small defended
area containing buildings which was surrounded or partly surrounded by a
substantial ditch and a bank surmounted by a timber palisade or, rarely, a
stone wall. Occasionally a more lightly defended embanked enclosure, the
bailey, adjoined the ringwork. Ringworks acted as strongholds for military
operations and in some cases as defended aristocratic or manorial settlements.
They are rare nationally with only 200 recorded examples and less than 60
with baileys. As such, and as one of a limited number and very restricted
range of Anglo-Saxon and Norman fortifications, ringworks are of particular
significance to our understanding of the period. The castle north of Stone Barton survives well and contains archaeological
information relating to Norman military activity in this part of Devon.
This monument includes the earthwork remains of a castle, known as a ringwork,
situated on top of a high hill with commanding views between two large river
valleys to the north and south. Central to the site is a sub-circular enclosed
area which measures 38m from north to south and 34.2m from east to west and is
defined by large banks. To the north the banks measure 9.8m wide and are
up to 1.4m high when viewed externally. To the north west they measure 5.5m
wide and up to 1.7m high externally and 0.7m high internally. Some spreading
has occurred to a width of some 2.3m downslope and this material partly
overlies another bank. The enclosure curves round to the west where it attains
a width of 8m and is 1.3m high externally and 0.8m high internally.
Undulations in height and changes in width would seem to indicate the presence
of tumble around stony walls. To the south the area forms a largely flattened
bank which measures 5.3m wide and 0.1m high internally. To the east, the
enclosure bank measures 9.7m wide and 0.6m high. There are some internal
features visible within the enclosed area including an elongated bank which
runs from the eastern outer bank to the west and peters out. This bank
measures 4.5m wide and 0.2m high. There is also a sub-circular mound in the
north west segment which has a diameter of 6.5m and is 0.2m high.
To the north of the enclosure, downslope and partly overlain by it, is a large
curving bank. This measures 3.4m wide, 1.8m high downslope and 0.4m high
upslope. It curves around the enclosure and veers off in a south easterly
direction. To the east of this curving bank is a D-shaped spread of material
with a hollowed centre. This measures 8.4m long and 5.4m wide and is 0.6m
high. To the south of the curving bank lies a circular enclosure which has an
internal diameter of 10.2m. The enclosing banks measure 4.2m wide and up to
0.4m high internally. A rectangular structure lies to the east of this
enclosure and south of the curving bank. Aligned in an east-west direction
and defined by banks, it measures 16.1m long by 14.3m wide internally. The
banks are 3.2m wide and 0.3m to 0.5m high. A further large bank lies 19m to
the south of the curving bank. This measures 3.4m wide and 0.5m high and
occupies the south eastern quadrant of the site.
To the west of the large enclosure is a sub-rectangular feature defined by
stony banks which runs parallel to the western field boundary and appears to
partly underlie it. This feature measures 13.2m long and 3.2m wide internally
and is defined by a 0.7m wide bank standing up to 0.3m high. To the south of
the enclosure and partly overlain by material from it, are two banks. The
first measures 4.2m wide and is 0.4m high. It runs south towards the field
boundary which cuts it at its southernmost extent. The enclosure decreases in
height as it trends towards the south. To the east is the second bank. This
measures 9.2m wide and 0.6m high. It is aligned NNW-SSE. MAP EXTRACT
The site of the monument is shown on the attached map extract.
The contents of this record have been generated from a legacy data system.
Legacy System number:
Legacy System:
Other Devon County Sites and Monuments Register, SS71SW1,
This monument is scheduled under the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979 as amended as it appears to the Secretary of State to be of national importance. This entry is a copy, the original is held by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport.
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