ST 87 SW
4/463 The Old Rectory, Little Rectory
and Malet House
(formerly listed as Rectory) GV II Rectory, now 3 houses, rebuilt c1815-20 for Reverend M. Wyatt on
core said to be C16. Roughcast, ashlar and rubble stone with stone
tiled roofs, coped shouldered gables and diagonal end wall and
ridge stacks. L-plan, extended, Tudor style. Two storeys and attic.
South front, 3-window range, the right side a later extension with
slate low pitched roof. Central projecting coped gable, windows in
ashlar flush chamfered surrounds, 4-pane first floor window and
ground floor large 2-light wooden mullion and transom window with
small paned lights, deep hoodmoulds with label stops to both. Left
side 4-pane upper window ground floor glazed door with traceried
overlight in Tudor-arched surround. Gothic panelled shutters.
Later right side, with wooden cross window to both floors, large
ground floor window with hoodmould to match centre window and small
paned lights. West front has coped gable end to right with 9-pane
window over later canted bay with parapet and cross windows. To
left c1815 and later range in filling angle of L-plan, 2 storeys with
parapet and upper string course. Ashlar upper floor with 2 mid C19
oriels, stone mullion and transom lights. Roughcast ground floor
with 3 Tudor-arched 20-pane windows. To left, roughcast entrance
tower with upper stringcourse and parapet. Long second floor
timber cross window, small first floor timber cross window, both in
chamfered surrounds and ground floor Tudor-arched doorway. Original
rear wing behind has 2 attic dormers to west side, and east side 3-
storey, 2-window range, 6-pane upper lights, 9-pane to first floor,
one 12-pane ground floor window and Glazed door. At north end, low
cross-gabled range with north end diagonal stack and C19 2-light
upper window and 4-light ground floor window with hoodmoulds to
east side.
Interior: c1815-20 work includes panelled-ceiling entrance hall
with M Wyatt monogram, fine stone cantilevered stair with twisted
iron balusters and south rooms with Tudor-style panelled ceilings
and undercut foliage borders. House possibly rebuilt to designs by
one of M. Wyatt's architect relations.
Listing NGR: ST8188274978
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