723-1/12/67 (South side)
21/10/58 No.62 GV II House now shop. c1400 and C19. Timber-framed and rendered,
peg-tiled roof. Rectangular plan. 2 storeys and attic. N front
elevation, gable, slightly asymmetrical, ground floor C19
symmetrical shop-front with bracketed hood, central door,
window each side, both with central vertical glazing bar.
Door, 2 upper glazed panels and 2 smaller lower panels with
moulded surrounds. On E side in passageway of adjacent South
Street, side wall timber-framed with 2-centred arched doorway,
approx central - considerable brick replacement of surrounding
stud and rail. First floor early C19 sash window with glazing
bars, 4x4 panes. Rear S elevation irregular with timber-framed
addition. Principal house roof runs E-W with a narrow
3-storeyed addition to E end which merges with No.60 (qv) over
the passageway beneath. C19 first-floor double casement window
with glazing bars, each casement 2x2 panes. Second storey, C19
2-light casement window with glazing bars, 2x2 panes, also
ground floor simple timber-framed and plastered lean-to.
INTERIOR considerably sub-divided and obscured but at upper
part of E partition wall with No.60 (qv) towards house front
is a post, braced both axially and transversely, also in same
wall, towards rear an octagonal post with capital and astragal
of early perpendicular profile. Although difficult to
interpret, the original presence of a hall is implied by the
surviving features. The octagonal post has probably been
moved, once serving as a central crown-post to an open hall
and the bracing may be that to an arcade plate of the hall, of
aisled form. No.60 is a large unit and has a very heavy brace
to the rear and probably is of the same period and build. Nos
62 & 60 probably represent a hall and cross-wing of c1400 with
South Street cut through the cross-wing side of the partition
walling. Although not so heavily built, No.64 (qv) may be the
second cross-wing of a H-plan hall house, possibly added
later. RCHM Central and SW Essex wrongly ascribes the passage
way to the site of the screens. Also in central block (No.62)
`original king post with moulded capital' no doubt the same
member as the decorated octagonal crown-post described. Later
reorganisation includes the insertion of a first floor and a
necessary gabled frontage with a window to the street which
may have been jettied. Nos 60, 62 & 64 form a group.
(RCHM: Central and SW Essex : Monument 8: 36).
Listing NGR: TQ5939393735
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Books and journals An Inventory of Essex Central and South West, (1921), 36
This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.
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