Cottage, possibly with earlier mill use, late C18 on earlier foundations. MATERIALS: Deep base of sandstone blocks above which the walls are Flemish bond brickwork with vitrified headers forming a diaper pattern. Pegtiled roof, hipped to the north east and half-hipped to the north west. Three chimeystacks on the north east side, two external, the western one truncated above ridge level. PLAN: Two storeys, with three irregularly-spaced windows to the south east, unusually none to the north west and blocked openings to the south west. EXTERIOR: The principal or south east side has on the first floor a twelve-pane sash to left, six-pane sash to centre and an eight-pane sash to right, all in cambered heads. The ground floor has a sixteen-pane sash to left, twelve-pane sash to centre and two C19 wooden casements to the right. There is a six-panel door, the top two panels glazed, in a wooden architrave. The gabled trelliswork porch is C20. There are two large iron ties with curved ends, which match up with an identical pair on the rear elevation. The south west side facing the road has a blocked cambered first floor opening and a blocked ground floor, probably originlly an entrance. The north west side has no windows but there is a cambered arch immediately to the right of the eastern chimneystack and a lean-to extension to the east, shown on the First Edition Ordnance Survey map. The north east side is mainly obscured by a C20 brick lean-to extension in stretcher bond brickwork with penticed tiled roof and plank door with wide flat weatherhood on brackets. It has a number of small casement windows.
C20 extension to north east not of special interest. INTERIOR: Refurbished with C20 doors, wooden floors and a brought-in wooden fireplace to the lounge. HISTORY: The property is shown on the First Edition Ordnance Survey map, unnamed and with its current footprint. The building adjoined Maresfield Mill, a corn mill which burnt down in 1878 and is not shown on the First Edition Ordnance Survey map. It is likely that the building had some connection to the mill, either as accommodation for the miller or millworkers, or earlier as a mill building. STATEMENT OF IMPORTANCE: An externally little altered late C18 building on earlier foundations, of historical interest for its probable connexion with Maresfield Corn Mill, either as accommodation or an earlier mill use, and for its lack of windows on two sides, a likely consequence of the Window Tax. Listing NGR: TQ4702523576
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