TQ 1656 SE (east side)
No.35 and Nos.1 and 2 Mansion
7.9.51 Cottages at rear
(formerly listed as No,17, and
Nos.1 & 2 of the Close at the
rear of No.17) GV II House, now shop and dwelling (and renovation in progress at time of survey,
1988), and 2 cottages attached to the rear. Respectively early C18 (altered) and
C17 or earlier, altered. No.35 is of brick covered with white-painted pebble-dash,
on a flint plinth painted black, with a red tile roof. The plan is single depth,
rectangular, 2 bays (perhaps reduced from 3); 2 storeys and 2 bays, with a
square shop window in the 1st bay, a doorway in the 2nd, two 12-pane sashed
windows above, and a chimney at the left gable. The right-hand gable wall has
an inserted door at ground floor and renewed gable weatherboarding with a small
attic window. Interior: radical alterations in progress, exposing a spine beam,
wall-plates, and some studs with brick nogging, all these timbers of light
scantling. Nos.1 and 2 Mansion Cottages (attached at right-angles to the rear)
are timber framed with brick nogging painted white, red tile roof, brick
chimneys. Single-depth linear plan. Two low storeys with 4 windows at 1st floor;
exposed timber-framing includes parts of 2 wall-posts, rails, studs, and one up-
brace close to the junction with No.35, all of light scantling; No.1 has a narrow
modern chimney stack attached to the centre of the front wall, to the left of
this a shallow bay window at ground floor and a single-light casement above
with diamond panes, to the right an inserted doorway and a casement above. The
front wall of No.2 is stepped back in the 2nd bay; the 1st bay has a small
caement on each floor, the 2nd has a fixed window at ground floor and a 2-light
casement above, and a lean-to extension at the right-hand end containing the
doorway. Large chimney stack rising from rear slope of No.1, ridge chimney to
No.2. Rear: additions to No.2, including small 2-storey wing. Interior not
Listing NGR: TQ1666156274
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