The following item shall be added:- TM 37 SE CRATFIELD SCHOOL CORNER 2/143 LARK COTTAGE (Formerly
1 & 2 School View
Cottages), Middle
Cottage and School View
Cottage GV II A row of cottages, formerly 4, now 3, although Lark Cottage and Middle Cottage
originally formed one house. Marked on OS map as School View. Mid to late
C16, with extensions at the south end. 2 storeys. Timber-framed and rendered
with black glazed pantiled roof. Fluted bargeboards. 2 end chimney-stacks
set within the gable ends and one internal stack, all with plain rebuilt
shafts of old brick. 5 window range, old 4-light casements with transomes and
C19 Tudor hood-moulds. A small enclosed and gabled porch to Lark Cottage, a
C20 traditional plank door with hood-mould and decorative ironwork to Middle
Cottage, and a C20 side entry to School View Cottage. Lark Cottage interior
in 3 bays, divided into a service room and a 2-bay hall. The partition
between hall and service is altered, and contains one blocked doorway and the
possible site of a stair door. Hall ceiling with exposed joists with wide
chamfer and curved stops with bar; main beam with a double roll-moulding and
cut-off stops. The internal chimney-stack may have been preceded by a
timber-framed chimney, but the frame is designed with a narrow chimney-bay.
On the rear wall of the hall the deep sill of what may have been an oriel
window, with another in the corresponding position in the hall chamber above.
On the upper floor the room over the service area has housings for
diamond-mullioned windows on front, rear and gable walls; some mullions
replaced. Both wallplates have edge-halved and bladed scarf joints, and the
wall-braces are reversed. Queen-post roof, open above the hall chamber:
plain, square posts, thin plank braces to arcade plates and cambered collars.
Cambered tie-beams with arched braces removed. Middle Cottage was originally
the parlour end of the house, in one long bay. On the ground floor, the
ceiling has plain unchamfered joists set flat and a large main beam with
chamfer, curved stops and bar. The fireplace has a plain timber lintel with
evidence for studding above it. The brickwork surrounding the hearth is C18.
A 4-light diamond-mullioned window on the rear wall. On the upper floor, a
4-light diamond-mullioned window on front and back walls. A queen-post truss
at each end of the room, and an intermediate collar to the arcade plates.
School View Cottage is probably a C17 or C18 extension on the gable end of
Middle Cottage; on the rear wall on the first floor is a blocked 4-light
window with diamond or triangular section mullions. Various extensions to the
rear of each cottage relate to the initial conversion into a cottage row.
Listing NGR: TM3149375056
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