TM 1178 SIDE)
5/89 The Priory
29.7.55 -- II Large house. C16 origins, extended C17. Extensively remodelled 1836 for
daughters of Rev. Harrison, date and initials to rear. Timber frame and brick
with some clay lump. All plastered. Plain tiled roofs. 5 bay lobby entry
main range with a 2 bay rear wing. Remodelled in a Tudor Revival style. 2
storeys and attics. Central on long main range is a projecting full height
gabled porch: panelled 4 centred arched door, hood mould, first floor oriel
window with stained glass, moulded base, tiled head, single light in attic,
ornamental bargeboards. Outer bays have recessed 3-light casements with 4
centred arched heads to each light, hood moulds. Bargeboarded gablets over
each bay. Central large axial ridge stack with 4 C19 octagonal shafts. Right
gable end extruded stack with multiple offsets, 3 octagonal shafts, ornamental
bargeboards. Left gable-end 2 storey canted bay window with ground floor
3:2:3 light windows as at front, first floor sashes, above arms in
bargeboarded gable. To rear left an extruded stack with 2 octagonal shafts,
'1836, AMH,JDH, GEH' and an H in a panel. To rear right a short 2 storey
early gabled wing, possibly a stair wing originally. To rear centre extends
lower 2 bay C17 range with an attached C19 slate roofed 1 storey lean-to
outshut with a 6 raised panelled door. Interior: early C19 plasterwork,
coffering, 4 centred arch to bay window, early C19 dogleg staircase, reused
moulded binding beams, butt purlin collar roof with windbraces, some framing
visible in rear wing. To rear an originally detached C18 service building is
linked by C19 lean-to. Timber frame, plastered. Pantiled roof. 2 bays. 2
storeys. C20 casements. A large gable end external red brick stack with
offsets. Interior: stop chamfered axial binding beam, tension braces, butt
purlin collar_roof. -
Listing NGR: TM1146978351
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