TM 17 SW SIDE) 3/89 The Four Horseshoes Public
29.7.55 House (formerly listed as
Horse Shoes Inn) GV II* House, latterly 3 dwellings, now a Public House. Mid to late C15, floor and
stack inserted and part rebuilt late C16, extended C17, altered and extended
C20. Timber frame, plastered. Thatched roof. Originally a 2 bay open hall
with upper and lower bays in series, probably storeyed; extended at both ends
forming a single long range. All 1 storey and attic. Entrance at lower end
of hall, possibly in original screens passage position and now roughly
central, in a C20 gabled thatched porch, a second lobby entrance between hall
and parlour to right, both have 4 panelled doors, architraves with cornices.
3-light glazing bar casements with hoodboards, a 4-light window to parlour,
four 3-light gabled dormers. A rebuilt axial ridge stack between hall and
parlour. Right gable end 4-light casement in attic, exposed plates and
purlins at both ends. To rear pantiled lean-to outshuts and behind service
bay a large late C20 wing. Interior: ground floor, hall has inserted floor
with a stopped roll and outer hollow moulded cross axial binding beam set into
secondary stop chamfered storey posts, roll moulded joists, brattished and
roll moulded cross beams, original posts retain open truss arched braces
springing below inserted floor. Parlour end largely rebuilt with cranked
tension bracing in end wall, altered framing in service bay with original
joists, in service additions an internal round brick well and a C16 or C17
wall painting of an eagle removed from upper storey ceiling. First floor
frame is largely concealed, arched bracing in walls and to original open truss
tie beam, original tie beams cut and replaced by raised tie beams on secondary
posts. Crown post roof: original open truss has a tall octagonal post with
roll moulded necking and capital, moulded base is concealed, 4 way arched
braces, presumed lower end has a square post with longitudinal bracing only,
smoke blackened rafters extend beyond inserted stack and over service bay,
roof altered at both ends with collars clasping side purlins. Attached to
service end is a low pantiled addition linking to a converted C19 stable
building, timber frame, plastered, pantiled roof, 4 bays, C20 segmental headed
casements, central ridge stack, entrance in right return.
Listing NGR: TM1042270729
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