TM 0669 SIDE) 7/8 Church Farm House
29.7.55 GV II* House. Late C15; floor and stack inserted and turned around with service end
largely rebuilt as parlour in early C17, altered C19 and C20. Timber frame,
part exposed, plastered. Machine tiled roofs. Originally an open hall of 2
unequal bays with a cross passage bay and storeyed lower bay; upper 3 bay
crosswing to left to form an L on plan. Now all 2 storeys with attic in cross
wing. Main range remodelled as 5 bays with stack inserted in cross passage,
exposed close studding with mid-rail, partially restored. A lobby entrance to
right of centre in position of original cross passage between hall and later
parlour, a boarded door in a C19 open timber gabled porch, to left a part
opening 4-light leaded casement, to right a transomed part opening 3-light
metal frame leaded casement. First floor: over hall a restored 4-light roll
and hollow mullioned window and a 3-light leaded casement, small lights over
porch and a restored 3-light ovolo mullioned window to right,re-used mid-rail
to right is moulded, tenons and mortices for head of an oriel window in posts
and chamfered wallplate. Axial ridge stack has 3 rebuilt conjoined hexagonal
shafts. Right gable end ground floor part opening 3 x 3 pane metal frame
casement, a bracket to an exposed plate. To rear a boarded lobby entry door,
restored 3 and 4-light ovolo mullioned windows to parlour. Cross wing gable
front has 2-light casements, a bracket to an exposed plate, secondary purlins,
slightly taller ridge. Left return has a late C16 external stack on front or
kitchen bay, English bond brick tapering to rebuilt cap, ground floor C20
brick casing with a 6-light window to dairy, first floor lattice leaded light
and a restored 3-light diamond mullioned window. To rear a moulded bracket to
an exposed plate, a catslide roof over a lean-to addition behind hall upper
bay. Interior: hall has a semi-octagonal shaft with a brattished roll moulded
bell cap as a corbel to open truss arched brace, removed opposite; original
richly moulded and brattished spere beam, inserted bar stop chamfered axial
binding beam, repositioned fireplace bressumer. Parlour stop chamfered cross
axial binding beam on jowled storey posts, stuccoed chamfered 4 centred arched
fireplace, repositioned C17 panelling, newel stair behind stack. First floor:
traces of original 6-light cavetto mullioned hall window, chamfered arched
braces to cambered tie beam to open truss. Parlour chamber retains C15
rebated corner posts, large straight arched braces in end wall, inserted ovolo
moulded tie beams, 4 centred arched fireplace. Crown post roof over hall,
open truss octagonal post, Perpendicular moulded cap and base, arched bracing
to collar purlin cut for stack, smoke blackened rafters and upper end.
Parlour roof has double butt purlins with upper arched windbraces, cambered
collars also clasp upper purlins. Cross wing: ground floor small arched braces
to broach stopped cross axial binding beams, haunched soffit tenoned joists,
stairs in rear bay. 2 bay solar towards front with chamfered arched braces to
open truss cambered tie beam, crown post roof without blackening, tall and
slender octagonal post, multiple keel moulded cap and base, 4 way arched
bracing, closed truss to rear bay with arched bracing to collar purlin.
Listing NGR: TM0683869380
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