TM 0771 SIDE) 6/40 Suryodaya with attached
29.7.55 garden will (formerly
listed as The Rectory) - II Large house, former rectory, now a health centre. 1791, altered c.1975. Red
brick. Shallow hipped glazed pantiled roof. Roughly square on plan with a 5
bay front. Tall 2½ storeys. Plinth. Steps up to a central entrance, 6
fielded panelled double doors, semi-circular traceried fanlight, panelled
soffit and reveals, doorcase with fluted pilasters, dentilled pediment. 12
pane moulded flush frame sashes with gauged brick flat arched heads, attic
small 6 pane sashes. Dentilled timber eaves cornice. 2 red brick stacks with
white brick dressings on inner slopes of roof with a central valley. Returns
have C20 1 storey additions, some glazing bar sashes and casements, all with
cambered heads, dentilled brick cornices to boxed eaves. 3 bays to rear,
ground floor C20 additions. First floor glazing bar sashes, attic 6-light
sashes, cambered heads, dentilled brick eaves. Interior: altered, two simple
classical fireplaces, some cornices, panelled shutter boxes, butt purlin roof.
Attached at ends to front are 2 bay C20 screen walls with pilaster strips,
stone coping. Attached to rear right is a long L shaped wall, 50m x 40m,
about 3m high, stone coping, inner pilaster strips, a segmental headed
doorway, lean-to's towards building.
Listing NGR: TM0728671278
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